Cardholder AgreementThis form is to be used by organization officers who are not treasurers to apply for a p-card. After completion the organization treasurer can initiate the Card Application – Campus Org (P-Card) request in Workday.
Deposit SlipThis form is used to record cash and checks deposited though the Memorial Union Business Office. Print one copy to include with the deposit, and save one copy (digitally or on paper) for the organization’s records. The deposit and completed deposit form can be taken to 3610 Memorial Union. Hint: If your cash deposit is turned in unfolded and in denomination order your deposit will be processed faster.
Donor FormUse this form to record a  retail value on an item being donated for a raffle. 
Funding RequestUse this form to request funding from a department or college on campus. Treasurers should fill out all sections under "Funding Request" and give this form directly to the department along with any supporting documents such as copies of receipts or transaction details, for approval and processing.
ISU's W-9This form is used when vendors request a W-9 from an organization. The Iowa State University Federal ID number is on the form. Please use the W9 contact form if you are asked for this form. If you are receiving charitable donations, please contact the ISU Foundation for use of the ISU Foundation Federal ID number for a donor to receive the tax deduction.
Prize / Gift FormThis form is used to report who and why a prize or gift has been awarded to an individual. Please type the form so that the information is legible and attach it to the p-card transaction after you have purchased the prize/gift.
Sales Tax Exempt Form

This form provides the State of Iowa Sales Tax Exempt Certificate for student organizations that do not utilize their own Federal Identification Number (most use the university's federal ID number). Please fill out this form, you'll need to include the following information:

  • Group Name
  • P-Card holder making the payment
  • Vendor name and complete address
  • Items being purchased and invoice number if available
  • Vendor's fax number or business email address to send certificate

For out of state sales tax information while traveling, please visit to determine if that state has a reciprocal agreement with the State of Iowa. Follow the directions for the state you are wishing to visit.

Student Scholarship Award FormWhen a group offers a scholarship to an individual(s), the group must complete a financial aid form, obtain the advisor's signature and submit the form to the Student Financial Aid Office, 0210 Beardshear. Please contact Student Financial Aid for assistance completing this form.
W-9 FormThis completed form must be turned in if an individual or vendor has provided an organization with a service or has won cash or a prize valued at / over $100.00.
Gambling Permit Usage RequestThis form must be completed and turned in to submit a gambling permit request