Organizations must be recognized each year to keep accounts active. Recognition is completed online through the Memorial Union Student Engagement.
Organizations must be recognized each year to keep accounts active. Recognition is completed online through the Memorial Union Student Engagement.
The purchasing method of payment for student organizations is the student-held p-card.
Personal funds shall not be used to make purchases on behalf of the student organization. With few exceptions, the method of payment is the p-card (VISA) excluding the following for making payments to the vendor/payee directly.
All funds spent from an organization's account must be for the benefit of the organization. No funds may be spent for personal benefit of individual member(s) without the express consent of the organization. Wages, fees for service, honorarium and stipends require special forms.
Both the organization treasurer and advisor must approve all expenses related to the student organization. No other person can delegate for the approvals. This ensures that both a university staff person as well as the student organization fiscal officer are both approving all expenses together and not without advice and organization approval. Changes of officers and advisors approved in the Student Organization Database are considered the officers of record for the university and therefore are considered the authorized approvers.
Purchasing gift cards is only permitted when giving a gift/prize to someone. You must complete and attach the prize/gift form to the p-card transaction as well as the receipt before it is verified. In addition, if the gift card is for $100 or greater, the gift is taxable and a W9 must be completed by the recipient and submitted to COA.
The purchase of gift cards to purchase other goods is not permitted under any circumstance.
Deposit all income from all sources into the organization’s program worktag. Please take all of your organized funds and deposit slip to the Memorial Union Business Office, located in room 3610 Memorial Union. Timely deposits reduce the risk of returned checks and lost or stolen cash. The university's policy is that funds collected must be deposited within 5 days, however if in excess of $100, it must be deposited within 2 business days.
List all checks individually on the deposit slip. Endorse all checks with the name of the organization and your program worktag. Identify all income with a brief description of the source of income so the Campus Organizations Accounting Office may properly classify the income. Examples of income sources include: dues, fundraisers, T-shirt sales, banquet contributions, etc.
Many organizations solicit gifts and donations from companies and other entities. When doing so, these sponsorships/gifts/contributions should be handled and processed through the ISU Foundation. Iowa State University Foundation (ISUF) staff members manage the comprehensive relationships that most companies have with Iowa State University. Companies benefit from a single point of entry and they are able to tailor the opportunities we present to them based on our knowledge of the company’s needs and priorities on campus. The ISUF is a 501(c)(3) organization and charitable contributions to student organizations are tax-deductible, provided the benefits a donor receives do not pose any potential conflict with IRS tax regulations. Their involvement in your solicitation helps them to maintain the most up-to-date record of a donor’s comprehensive relationship with ISU, and to make sure philanthropic gifts receive proper credit. Staff members there will record the gift, send the donor a postcard confirming the donation shortly after receiving it and allow the outside entity to obtain a receipt for tax purposes in late January which includes all gifts made in the prior calendar year.
Please do not deposit gifts or donated funds into your Campus Org. account, but rather direct the check to the ISU Foundation with an indicator of which student organization should receive the credit. The Foundation will then wire your funds to Iowa State University and credit your financial account. Use Workday to find information related to ISU Foundation income. Please visit the ISU Foundation to additional information and forms.
Prior to soliciting funding from any outside entity, please follow the steps below to inform the ISU Foundation of your intentions:
Utilizing Paypal, GoFundMe, Kickstarter, OneSquare, Venmo, or other external revenue collecting services etc. is not permitted when a group fundraises. Receiving credit card payments in person may be done by reserving the Clover Flex machine and online through the Student Organization Marketplace or the FundISU platforms.